‘When there is no wind, row.’ – Latin Proverb
You may think that a lack of wind when cast adrift in a small boat would be a bad thing. The truth is that it is an opportunity to take charge of your own destiny, to stop drifting and start rowing in the direction you choose!
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. – Desmond Tutu
This is one of the most powerful emotions that we have available to us when life gets us down. If all else fails, hope like faith cannot be touched or taken away by anyone unless you allow them to take it. Holding on to hope is not about abdicating responsibility for the outcome. Instead it is about giving yourself permission to keep on reaching for better and striving to move away from whatever is holding you down.
Truly seeking reasons to experience gratitude in your life can and will bring forth so much joy. You can choose now to make it a profound and regular practice in your life. This may take some effort but it is straight forward, free and truly transformational. To help you get started you may like to set specific points in your day to notice and be grateful for all that you have and all that you are. Overtime this practice will become ingrained and you will start to feel gratitude spontaneously throughout your day.
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” – Brené Brown
As human beings we require connection on some level or another in order to be as fulfilled as we can be. It is a rare person who thrives without some level of connection and interaction with at least one other human being or animal. Both emotional and physical contact feed our very essence on a fundamental level.
Connection does not necessarily need to be deep in order to be beneficial. It can be as simple as taking time to smile and greet others when you go for a walk or sharing a kind word or compliment with someone you encounter through your day. However, to feel a positive benefit from connection, it must be supported by genuine, positive interactions. Positive interaction can be found in the form of friendships or passing acquaintances or even pets or other animals that we encounter, so to an extent accessing connection is within all of our control. You simply need to find a level that works for you right now and the true beauty of this is that the more you reach out to others in a genuine and positive way, the more the same will come back to you.
Get Inspired
Reasons to be cheerful do not need to cost the earth, or indeed anything, but they can transform your world so start where you are and build up layer upon layer to cultivate more joy in your life. Good luck and enjoy the journey!
If you are at a point where you would like to explore receiving support in inviting more joy into your life then message me on facebook or instagram
In the meantime, I wish you so much peace & love now and always,
Beth xxx